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An Interdenominational Christian Charity

Old Rectory, Bolnhurst,Bedford, MK44 2ES                                                   
Reg Charity No.327398




Financial donations are always gratefully received as are offers of time. If you are a taxpayer your gift is worth even more: it is particularly satisfying to receive support from the Inland Revenue! Please contact us for a leaflet about this.



Ways of Giving



... using Give as you Live

  If you shop online with all kinds of retailers including most High Street brand names. 

Please support us via Give as you Live.  Our page can be found on this link click here.




Donations and Fundraising events

... via Paypal Giving

Perhaps you sold something using Paypal and want to donate the proceeds to us or you just want to make a donation using your Paypal Account. Please use this link toour page to donate to “Bolnhurst Stables Trust” click here or go to the Paypal fundraiser hub and search for “Bolnhurst Stables Trust” click here

There is a no fee to donate through the Paypal Giving Fund. Using Paypal to make a donation through other methods may incur a charge. For example, see CAF donate below



... using CAF Donate

If you would like to make a donation via the Charities Aid Foundation – you can use your CAF Account, a debit / credit card or Paypal to donate through CAF Donate.  Please use this link to search for and donate to “Bolnhurst Stables Trust” click here.

There is a 4 % fee for debit / credit cards and Paypal donations but CAF account donations are free.



.... via Givey

Perhaps you would like to run a fundraising event for us or make a donation. Givey is an online donation platform for Christian charities – you can set up an event or use your debit / credit card or Payplal to donate through Givey.  Please use this link to our page to donate to “Bolnhurst Stables Trust” click here

Givey charge a 5% fee 



... via (powered by Stewardship)

Perhaps you would like to run a fundraising event for us or make a donation via – an online donation platform for Christian charities – you can set up an event, a one-off donation or monthly giving to donate to us through  Please use this link to our page to donate to “Bolnhurst Stables Trust” click here charge a 3% fee



... from your Stewardship Account

To make a donation from your Stewardship account please log in at click here and choose “Bolnhurst Stables Trust”.  To find out more about Stewardship giving accounts please check out the information at this link click here



... through buying items

Sometimes we want to give to charities close to our heart, but we don't feel comfortable giving money.  If this is you and you would like to contribute to our work, we now have a list on Amazon from which you can select items to buy and get delivered to us.

Currently, our list is focusing on improving our Coffee Shop offerings, as we've started to get more customers and our current stock is not always up to the job.

Below is a link to the Amazon List if you would like to support us in this way.  It would really help our finances and you can be assured that we will look after donations with great care and gratitude.




... directly from your Bank or Building Society account

You can make a gift to us by Standing Order, BACS or Faster payment to our account in CAF Bank Ltd using the following bank details

Sort code 40-52-40 
Account No 00011223
Account Name “Bolnhurst Stables Trust – Stables Trust”


... by cheque

Donations may also be made by cheque.  Please make cheques payable to “Bolnhurst Stables Trust” and send to us at the Stables Christian Centre, Old Rectory, Bolnhurst, Bedford MK44 2ES


Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer and would like us to increase the value of your donation by reclaiming Gift Aid on your one-off or regular donation please contact us for a form using the contact details below.



Please contact the Finance Manager by email click here by phone (01234)376237 or write to Stables Christian Centre, Old Rectory, Bolnhurst, Bedford MK44 2ES


stables with a sprinkling of snow